Tips for a Productive Visit
Health care is a team effort, and you are the most valuable player. Receive the best possible care by communicating actively with health care providers. Here are some tips for good communication:
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Even if you feel ready for an appointment, you may forget questions the moment the doctor or nurse enters the room. Making a list before a visit can help you remember details, stay organized, and feel less rushed.
Even if you feel ready for an appointment, you may forget questions the moment the doctor or nurse enters the room. Making a list before a visit can help you remember details, stay organized, and feel less rushed.
Have open talks about daily habits and lifestyle. This helps your health care team make changes that are specific to your needs.
Have open talks about daily habits and lifestyle. This helps your health care team make changes that are specific to your needs.
At home, note on-going symptoms, medication questions, and changes in lifestyle. These are helpful for future check-ups. Also, take notes during visits. This can help you remember the important things you discussed, especially changes in an eating plan, medications, or activity levels.
At home, note on-going symptoms, medication questions, and changes in lifestyle. These are helpful for future check-ups. Also, take notes during visits. This can help you remember the important things you discussed, especially changes in an eating plan, medications, or activity levels.
For support look to people you know and trust, or even expand this circle to include new friends. Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on, and you might be surprised by how many people have shared experiences or want to be there to support.
For support look to people you know and trust, or even expand this circle to include new friends. Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on, and you might be surprised by how many people have shared experiences or want to be there to support.