Monitor Risk Factors
People with type 2 diabetes often have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This increases the chance of a heart attack or stroke. Manage risk by tracking key measures like these:
Select each item for more information.

High cholesterol leads to the buildup of plaque in the arteries. This can reduce blood flow and lead to serious complications.
Check this guide for three ways to make better food choices to help manage your cholesterol. Be sure to talk with a health care professional about cholesterol at your next visit.

High cholesterol leads to the buildup of plaque in the arteries. This can reduce blood flow and lead to serious complications.
Check this guide for three ways to make better food choices to help manage your cholesterol. Be sure to talk with a health care professional about cholesterol at your next visit.

High blood pressure doesn’t always cause obvious symptoms. The best way to know if you have high blood pressure is to regularly monitor it and/or have it checked routinely. Early detection can help better manage risk and prevent a stroke and kidney disease.

High blood pressure doesn’t always cause obvious symptoms. The best way to know if you have high blood pressure is to regularly monitor it and/or have it checked routinely. Early detection can help better manage risk and prevent a stroke and kidney disease.

People with type 2 diabetes should take steps to care for their kidneys, which play a major role in the complex cardiovascular system.
Getting regular screenings, including a simple urine test called a UACR and a eGFR blood test, are an important part of understanding your numbers and reducing your risk for heart disease. Take these tests at least once a year if you have diabetes.

People with type 2 diabetes should take steps to care for their kidneys, which play a major role in the complex cardiovascular system.
Getting regular screenings, including a simple urine test called a UACR and a eGFR blood test, are an important part of understanding your numbers and reducing your risk for heart disease. Take these tests at least once a year if you have diabetes.