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Your corporate learning needs some marketing

Corporate education needs a marketing boost. Too often, we put our energy and focus on creating an engaging, high-impact course or training program and miss a critical component in corporate education: advertising. A little marketing can mean the difference between excitement and high attendance or indifference and avoidance. If you rely on text-heavy, auto-generated email notifications to your employees and customers, you should consider expanding your scope to include a marketing program.

One of the more creative ways to attract the attention of your audience is to convert your course overview and syllabus into a movie trailer or infographic.

movie trailer

Movie trailers work. They’re short, entertaining, and educational. They draw the audience to the movie. This format works for corporate learning as well. A short video or interactive motion graphic explaining the objectives and benefits of a course can be more informative and dramatically more interesting than bulk mailings.

If multimedia development is not an option, you can use the appealing infographic format and convert your static course syllabus into a beautiful, illustrated layout of the course objectives.

There are costs involved with the addition or expansion of such a marketing program, but the benefits you’ll reap from connecting with your audience can positively impact the perception of, and interest in, your learning programs.

Principled Technologies is the leader in technical marketing, and we experience firsthand the tremendous impact that video and infographic messaging creates for our clients. In corporate education, these forms of communication are just as powerful and can jump-start your marketing strategy.

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