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WebXPRT passes another milestone!

We’re excited to see that users have successfully completed over 250,000 WebXPRT runs! From the original WebXPRT 2013 to the most recent version, WebXPRT 3, this tool has been popular with manufacturers, developers, consumers, and media outlets around the world because it’s easy to run, it runs quickly and on a wide variety of platforms, and it evaluates device performance using real-world tasks.

If you’ve run WebXPRT in any of the more than 458 cities and 64 countries from which we’ve received complete test data—including newcomers Lithuania, Luxembourg, Sweden, and Uruguay—we’re grateful for your help in reaching this milestone. Here’s to another quarter-million runs!

If you haven’t yet transitioned your browser testing to WebXPRT 3, now is a great time to give it a try! WebXPRT 3 includes updated photo workloads with new images and a deep learning task used for image classification. It also uses an optical character recognition task in the Encrypt Notes and OCR scan workload and combines part of the DNA Sequence Analysis scenario with a writing sample/spell check scenario to simulate online homework in the new Online Homework workload. Users carry out tasks like these on their browsers daily, making these workloads very effective for assessing how well a device will perform in the real world.

Happy testing to everyone, and if you have any questions about WebXPRT 3 or the XPRTs in general, feel free to ask!


The WebXPRT 3 results calculation white paper is now available

As we’ve discussed in prior blog posts, transparency is a core value of our open development community. A key part of being transparent is explaining how we design our benchmarks, why we make certain development decisions, and how the benchmarks actually work. This week, to help WebXPRT 3 testers understand how the benchmark calculates results, we published the WebXPRT 3 results calculation and confidence interval white paper.

The white paper explains what the WebXPRT 3 confidence interval is, how it differs from typical benchmark variability, and how the benchmark calculates the individual workload scenario and overall scores. The paper also provides an overview of the statistical techniques WebXPRT uses to translate raw times into scores.

To supplement the white paper’s overview of the results calculation process, we’ve also published a spreadsheet that shows the raw data from a sample test run and reproduces the calculations WebXPRT uses.

The paper and spreadsheet are both available on and on our XPRT white papers page. If you have any questions about the WebXPRT results calculation process, please let us know, and be sure to check out our other XPRT white papers.


The WebXPRT 3 source code is now available

We’re excited to announce that the WebXPRT 3 source code is now available to BenchmarkXPRT Development Community members!

Download the WebXPRT 3 source here (login required).

We’ve also posted a download link on the WebXPRT tab in the Members’ Area. The source code package contains instructions for setting up and configuring a local instance of WebXPRT for those who wish to do so.

As part of our community model for software development, source code for each of the XPRTs is available to anyone who joins the community. If you’d like to review XPRT source code, but haven’t yet joined the community, we encourage you to join! Registration is quick and easy, and if you work for a company or organization with an interest in benchmarking, you can join the community for free. Simply fill out the form with your company e-mail address and select the option to be considered for a free membership. We’ll contact you to verify the address and then activate your membership.

If you have any other questions about community membership or XPRT source code, feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!


How to automate WebXPRT 3 testing

Yesterday, we published the WebXPRT 3 release notes, which contain instructions on how to run the benchmark, submit results, and use automation to run the tests.

Test automation is a helpful feature that lets you use scripts to run WebXPRT 3 and to control specific test parameters. Below, you’ll find a description of those parameters and instructions for utilizing automation.

Test type

The WebXPRT automation framework is designed to account for two test types: the six core workloads and any experimental workloads we might add in future builds. There are currently no experimental tests in WebXPRT 3, so the test type variable should always be set to 1.

  • Core tests: 1
  • Experimental tests: 2

Test scenario

This parameter lets you specify which tests to run by using the following codes:

  • Photo enhancement: 1
  • Organize album using AI: 2
  • Stock option pricing: 4
  • Encrypt notes and OCR scan: 8
  • Sales graphs: 16
  • Online homework: 32

To run an individual test, use its code. To run multiple tests, use the sum of their codes. For example, to run Stocks (4) and Notes (8), use the sum of 12. To run all core tests, use 63, the sum of all the individual test codes (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 63).

Results format

This parameter lets you select the format of the results:

  • Display the result as an HTML table: 1
  • Display the result as XML: 2
  • Display the result as CSV: 3
  • Download the result as CSV: 4

To use the automation feature, start with the URL, append a question mark (?), and add the parameters and values separated by ampersands (&). For example, to run all the core tests and download the results, you would use the following URL:

We hope WebXPRT’s automation features will make testing easier for you. If you have any questions about WebXPRT or the automation process, please feel free to ask!


WebXPRT 3 is here!

We’re excited to announce that WebXPRT 3 is now available to the public. BenchmarkXPRT Development Community members have been using a community preview for several weeks, but now anyone can run WebXPRT 3 and publish their results.

As we mentioned on the blog, WebXPRT 3 has a completely new UI, updated workloads, and new test content. We carried over several features from WebXPRT 2015 including automation, the option to run individual workloads, and language options for English, German, and Simplified Chinese.

We believe WebXPRT 3 will be as relevant and reliable as WebXPRT 2013 and 2015. After trying it out, please submit your scores and feel free to let us know what you think. We look forward to seeing new results submissions!

Principled Technologies and the BenchmarkXPRT Development Community release WebXPRT 3, a free online performance evaluation tool for web-enabled devices

Durham, NC — Principled Technologies and the BenchmarkXPRT Development Community have released WebXPRT 3, a free online tool that gives objective information about how well a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any other web-enabled device handles common web tasks. Anyone can go to and compare existing performance evaluation results on a variety of devices or run a simple evaluation test on their own.

WebXPRT 3 contains six HTML5- and JavaScript-based scenarios created to mirror common web browser tasks: Photo Enhancement, Organize Album Using AI, Stock Option Pricing, Encrypt Notes and OCR Scan, Sales Graphs, and Online Homework.

“WebXPRT is a popular, easy-to-use benchmark run by manufacturers, tech journalists, and consumers all around the world,” said Bill Catchings, co-founder of Principled Technologies, which administers the BenchmarkXPRT Development Community. “We believe that WebXPRT 3 is a great addition to WebXPRT’s legacy of providing relevant and reliable performance data for a wide range of devices.”

WebXPRT is one of the BenchmarkXPRT suite of performance evaluation tools. Other tools include MobileXPRT, TouchXPRT, CrXPRT, BatteryXPRT, and HDXPRT. The XPRTs help users get the facts before they buy, use, or evaluate tech products such as computers, tablets, and phones.

To learn more about and join the BenchmarkXPRT Development Community, go to

About Principled Technologies, Inc.
Principled Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of technology marketing and learning & development services. It administers the BenchmarkXPRT Development Community.

Principled Technologies, Inc. is located in Durham, North Carolina, USA. For more information, please visit

Company Contact
Justin Greene
BenchmarkXPRT Development Community
Principled Technologies, Inc.
1007 Slater Road, Ste. 300
Durham, NC 27703

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