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Category: TouchXPRT

Looking forward

If you’re in the US, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and that you survived Black Friday!

On Monday, we released the second community preview for TouchXPRT 2016 (CP2). It detects the issue we described last week, by checking whether the Create Slideshow scenario completes correctly, and alerts you if it does not. We’re continuing to investigate this issue and will let you know as soon as we have more information. Results from CP2 are comparable to results from CP1. Please let us know if you have any questions or problems.

In other news, I’ll be at CES 2016 in Las Vegas in January. I can’t wait! We’re going to have some big news after the first of the year. I can’t say anything about it yet, but I’m looking forward to discussing it with folks there. If you’re planning to be at CES, send me a message, and let’s meet!


TouchXPRT 2016 Community Preview 2 is available

Today we are releasing TouchXPRT 2016 Community Preview 2 (CP 2). As we discussed in the blog, some systems with newer AMD graphics drivers have trouble rendering the Create Slideshow from Photos output video. CP 2 includes a validation feature that produces an error when this problem occurs. This is the only change from the first community preview.

As with all community previews, TouchXPRT 2016 CP 2 is available only to community members. Members may download the preview from the TouchXPRT tab in the Members’ Area.

For more details about TouchXPRT 2016, please consult the release notes for further details (login required).

After you try out CP 2, please send us your comments. Either post them to the forum or mail them to If you send us information that’s relevant to the entire community, we may post an anonymous version of your comments to the forum.

Thanks for your participation!

News about TouchXPRT

Some community members reported that, on some systems, the TouchXPRT Create Slideshow from Photos workload was taking a long time to complete.  We found that the output video does not correctly render when this happens. This affects both TouchXPRT 2014 and TouchXPRT 2016.

So far we have only seen this problem on systems with some of the newer AMD graphics drivers. It appears that older AMD drivers and drivers from other vendors do not trigger this behavior.

We are still working to identify the root cause but, in the interim, we are updating the workload to verify its output. This would allow TouchXPRT to detect this problem when it occurs and report an error. We expect to have new CP of TouchXPRT 2016 with this fix next week.

For those in the US, I hope you enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. Among the many things I’m thankful for this year is all the help and support from the community. We could not do it without you.


The TouchXPRT 2016 Community Preview is here!

Today we are releasing the TouchXPRT 2016 Community Preview (CP). TouchXPRT 2016 includes the same performance workloads as TouchXPRT 2014, but we have rebuilt it as a Universal Windows app. This makes TouchXPRT 2016 compatible with systems running Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile.

Because this is a community preview, it is available only to community members. Members may download the preview from the TouchXPRT tab in the Members’ Area.

The results viewer in the TouchXPRT 2016 CP is not fully functional. Please consult the release notes for further details (login required).

After you try out the CP, please send your comments. Either post them to the forum or mail them to If you send us information that’s relevant to the entire community, we may post an anonymous version of your comments to the forum.

Thanks for your participation!

The TouchXPRT 2016 CP arrives tomorrow!

As we said a couple of weeks ago, we wanted to test on Windows 10 Threshold 2 before releasing the TouchXPRT 2016 community preview. Well, Threshold 2 is out and the testing has been going very well.


We’ll release the TouchXPRT 2016 to the community tomorrow. Because community previews are not available to the general public, members will need to download it from our site.

The installation procedure is fairly straightforward. First, you put the device in developer mode. Then, for a tablet or PC, run a PowerShell script, as you did for TouchXPRT 2014. For a mobile device, once it’s in developer mode, copy the bundle to the device and install it.

If you have any problems, please let us know.

We’re looking forward to seeing the results from phones and, as we have done with MobileXPRT, to comparing results across different-sized devices.



Five years later…

Five years ago this month, we started what we then called the HDXPRT Development Community. The first benchmark, HDXPRT 2011, appeared six months later. A LOT has happened since then.

We’ve grown to six benchmarks (HDXPRT, TouchXPRT, WebXPRT, MobileXPRT, BatteryXPRT, and CrXPRT) with plenty of updates. As a result, we had to change the name to the BenchmarkXPRT Development Community, though we’ve come to refer to the benchmarks themselves as the XPRTs.

To tell the world about the XPRTs and the BenchmarkXPRT Development Community, we’ve written over 200 blog entries. We’ve created videos, a training course, infographics, and white papers. We’ve met members of the community at their companies, via webinars, and at trade shows. We’ve quite literally traveled around the world to shows in Las Vegas, Barcelona, Taipei, and Shenzhen.

As a result, the community has grown to about 150 individuals at over 60 companies and organizations. People have downloaded or run the benchmarks over 100,000 times in over 44 countries. The XPRTs have been cited over 3,800 times in a wide variety of websites around the world.

Yes, a lot has happened over these five years.

On behalf of the BenchmarkXPRT team, I want to convey my sincere thanks to all of you for your involvement over these years. I’m really looking forward to what the next five years will look like. We’re just getting started!

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