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Category: Simplified Chinese

The XPRTs at IDF15 Shenzhen

We recently traveled to Shenzhen, China to anchor Principled Technologies’ booth in the IDF15 Shenzhen technology showcase. Over 60 companies set up displays to interact with approximately 2,000 attendees, and it was a great opportunity for us to connect with innovators in one of the fastest-growing technology hubs in the world.

We spent most of our time talking with people about the benefits of the BenchmarkXPRT Development Community, demonstrating the XPRTs on our display systems, and describing the scope and abilities of each XPRT. Many of the people we talked with showed great interest in the XPRTs’ commitment to developing easy-to-use benchmarks that measure performance and battery life while doing everyday tasks.

Of course, we also spent a good deal of free time exploring Shenzhen and nearby Hong Kong. If you ever get the opportunity to visit either of these dynamic cities, you won’t be disappointed!

Technology showcase overviewThe IDF15 Shenzhen technology showcase floor. Our booth is just to the right of the gray-and-white balloon. Shenzhen towersThe booming Shenzhen skyline, including the soon-to-be-second-tallest building in the world.

If we missed you at IDF15, or you have questions or comments about the Benchmark XPRT Development Community, feel free to contact us.


Getting closer

Mobile World Congress ended last week. If you’ve been following us on Twitter, you know that Bill had some really good meetings while he was there. That’s not to say that Bill didn’t have some fun too!

Bill MWC

Next, we go to Intel Developer Forum 2015 – Shenzhen!

While Bill has been out of the country, we’ve been continuing to work on WebXPRT 2015. We’ve talked before about some of the improvements the new WebXPRT: new and more-demanding tests, on-screen descriptions of the tests, a progress indicator, and more. We’ve also given the UI a sleeker, more modern look. Also, WebXPRT 2015 will be the second XPRT to include a Chinese UI.

WebXPRT '15 screenshot

Testing has been going well. We have a few final tweaks to make but are expecting to release the community preview for WebXPRT 2015 in the next week or two. We’re really excited! I can’t wait to hear what you think of it.


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