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Category: HDXPRT

Bye, bye 32 bits?

In developing HDXPRT 2012, we have encountered a dilemma. The problem is the amount of effort necessary to support 32-bit as well as 64-bit. While the world is moving to 64-bit Windows, some older platforms as well as possibly some lower-end devices still use 32-bit Windows. Our feeling is that the effort necessary to support 32-bit Windows would be better spent elsewhere, such as working on TouchXPRT. Further, supporting 32-bit Windows might have a noticeable impact on when we can complete HDXPRT 2012.

The downside in supporting only 64-bit Windows is that we had hoped to be able to increase the range of devices HDXPRT 2012 supports. The advent of TouchXPRT, however, means that it might be the more appropriate benchmark for those lower-end devices that consume content rather than create it. What do you think? This is one decision where we would really like your input. So, should we support 32-bit Windows or limit HDXPRT to 64-bit? Thanks!


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Quick HDXPRT 2012 status update

Between talking about CES, the new touch benchmark, and sausage making, it seems like it’ has been a while since I’ve said anything about HDXPRT. Here’ is a quick status update. The short form is that folks are heads- down coding, debugging, and testing. We still have some significant hurdles to overcome, such as trying to script Picassa. We also are going to have to make some difficult decisions in the near future about possibly swapping out one or two of the applications due to either licensing or scripting issues. (Sausage making at its best!) We’ll keep you posted in the forums when we have to make those decisions.

There is still a lot to get done, but things still appear to be on schedule. That schedule means that we are still hoping to have a beta version available for the Development Community to test in late March. At that point, the beta version will be available to our members and we will really need your help to try and shake things out. (Join at if you are not yet a member of the Development Community and want to help in our effort.) The more different systems and configurations we can all test together, the better the benchmark will be. There will also be at least some time for feedback on whether HDXPRT 2012 matches the design specification and if there are any last- minute tweaks you think would help make for a better benchmark.

So, stay tuned! We look forward to continuing to work with you on making HDXPRT 2012 even better than the current version.


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Art or sausage?

I discussed in my previous blog how weighing the tradeoffs between real science and real world in benchmark is a real art. One person felt it was more akin to sausage making than art! In truth, I have made that comparison myself.

That, of course, got me thinking. Is the process of creating a benchmark like that of creating sausage? With sausage, the feeling is that if you knew what went into sausage, you probably wouldn’t eat it. That may well be true, but I would still like to know that someone was inspecting the sausage factory. Sausage that contains strange animal parts is one thing, but sausage containing E. coli is another.

We are trying with the Development Community to use transparency to create better benchmarks. My feeling is that the more inspectors (members) there are, the better the benchmark will be. At least to me, unlike making sausage, creating benchmarks is actually cool. (There are probably sausage artisans who feel the same way about sausage.)

What do you think? Would you prefer to know what goes into making a benchmark? We hope so and hope that is why you are a part of this community. If you are not part of the Development Community, we encourage you to join at Come join us in the sausage-making art house!


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Who is on board?

While talking with people at CES about HDXPRT and the upcoming touch benchmark, I encountered the same question a few times—Who are the current members of the Development Community? My answer was something along the lines of “About 10 PC hardware vendors, about the same number of press people, and a few other folks from companies around the world.” I was, however, itching to name the companies because the list is really pretty impressive. We haven’t asked for permission from the Development Community members, though, so I left my answer vague.

Given our goal of expanding the Development Community, I find myself weighing two possible outcomes if we were to make public the names of the companies represented. On the one hand, it could encourage others to join us (“All the other cool kids are doing it, I guess I will too!”). On the other hand, it could discourage others from joining us (“Not sure how my company would feel about this. Should I ask Legal? I’m too busy, never mind.”)

My best plan for now is to email each member individually and ask where he or she stands on company anonymity. And to give all new members the option of keeping their affiliation off the record. Rest assured that we will definitely not reveal this information without your permission.

We’d like to know what you think. Would you have joined the Development Community if doing so required identifying your company and allowing us to share it? Would you now be willing to let us say that someone from your company is a member?


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CES: Gadget overload

I never thought I would say this, but there are more electronic gadgets and toys than I want. While walking the many cavernous show floors of CES, I saw cool bicycle gadgets from iBike ( One device is a case for your iPhone that transforms it into a cycling computer. Because it measures wind speed, it actually is more capable than any existing bike computer—it uses data you supply like your type of bike and your weight, GPS info and knowledge of the terrain, and readings on wind speed and your heart rate to calculate your power output. If it works reliably, it would provide data that normally requires a cycle power meter costing a couple thousand dollars. If you are not into cycling, you probably don’t care, but it does show how our phones are becoming the gathering point for a myriad of data sources around us. I definitely need to try one of these out when they become available in March.

I also saw solar panels from Sharp (SunSnap) that have the inverter built in so that they output AC power directly. This gets around the messy inverter and wiring problems of typical panels that output DC power. Now, if I can get my homeowners association to agree, I need some of these.

I also saw TVs that were enormous, like 84-inch LCD, and gorgeous, like the 55-inch OLED, both from LG. I saw Windows 8 tablets and cars and iPhone cases and e-cigarettes. Basically, I reached gadget overload. At least the future of technology does not appear to be boring!

Thanks so much to the folks that stopped by our suite to talk about HDXPRT, the upcoming touch benchmark, and what they see as the future of benchmarking. We will be doing our best over the coming months to incorporate your ideas and suggestions. If you were not able to visit with us, please feel free to drop me an email and let me know what you are thinking.


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See you next year, maybe at CES?

This is just a quick entry to wish everyone a great and productive 2012 and to let you know that I will be at CES. My goal is to meet with as many of you in the Development Community as possible. Please let me know if you have some time and would like to escape the craziness of the show to relax and chat. We’ll have a suite at the Hilton and would love to offer you the opportunity to kick back and talk about HDXPRT, the future of benchmarks, or about the cool things you’ve seen at the show. If you plan to be at CES, but are stuck working a booth or suite, let me know and I’ll try to stop by and say hi. Drop us an email at and we will set up an appointment.

I hope to see quite a few of you folks there. And, to play with lots of cool new toys! Have a Happy New Year!


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