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Category: Performance benchmarking

Putting HDXPRT in some benchmark context

Benchmarks come in many shapes and sizes.  Some are extremely small, simple, and focused, while others are large, complex, and cover many aspects of a system.  To help position HDXPRT in the world of benchmarks, let me share with you a little taxonomy that Bill and I have long used.  No taxonomy is perfect, of course, but we’ve found this one to be very helpful as a general categorization tool.

From the perspective of how benchmarks measure performance, you can divide most of them into three groups.

Inspection tools use highly specialized tests to target very particular parts of a system. Back in the day, lo these many decades ago—okay, it was only two decades, but in dog years two tech decades is like five generations—some groups used a simple no-op loop to measure processor performance. I know, it sounds dumb today, but for a short time many felt it was a legitimate measure of processor clock speed, which is one aspect of performance. Similarly, if you want to know how fast a graphics subsystem could draw a particular kind of line, you could write code to draw lines of that type over and over.

These tools have very limited utility, because they don’t do what real users do, but for people working close to hardware, they can be useful.

Moving closer to the real world, synthetic benchmarks are specially written programs that simulate the kinds of work their developers believe real users are doing. So, if you think your target users are spending all day in email, you could write your own mini email client and time functions in it.  These tools definitely move closer to real user work than inspection tools, but they still have the drawback of not actually running the programs real people are using.

Application-based benchmarks take that last step by using real applications, the same programs that users employ in the real world. These benchmarks cause those applications to perform the kinds of actions that real users take, and they time those actions.  You can always argue about how representative they are—more on that in a future blog entry, assuming I don’t forget to write it—but they are definitely closer to the real world because they’re using real applications.

With all of that background, HDXPRT becomes easy to classify:  it’s an application-based benchmark.

Mark Van Name

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Our community’s goal

Computer system performance evaluation has a long and complex history. Many of the earliest tests were simple, short code snippets, such as Whetstone, that did little more than give an indication of how fast a particular computer subsystem was able to operate. Unfortunately, such simple benchmarks quickly lost their value, in part because they were very crude measures, and in part because software tools on the things they were measuring could easily optimize for them. In some cases, a compiler could even recognize a test and “optimize” the code by simply producing the final result!

Over time, though, benchmarks have become more complex and more relevant. Whole organizations exist and have existed to build benchmarks. Notable ones include the Ziff-Davis Benchmark Operation (ZDBOp), which the Ziff-Davis computer magazines funded in the 1990s and which Mark and I ran; the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC), which its member companies fund and of which PT is a member; and the Business Applications Performance Corporation (BAPCo), which its member companies fund. Each of these organizations has developed widely used products, such as Winstone (ZDBOp), SPEC CPU (SPEC), and SYSmark (BAPCo). Each organization has also always faced challenges. In the case of ZDBOp, for example, Ziff Davis could no longer support the costs of developing its benchmarks, so they discontinued the group. SPEC continues to develop good benchmarks, but its process can sometimes yield years between versions.

The goal with HDXPRT and the HDXPRT Development Community (HDC) is to explore a new way to develop benchmarks. By utilizing the expertise and experience of a community of interested people, we hope to be able develop benchmarks in an open and collaborative environment while keeping them timely.

HDXPRT 2011 is the first test of this approach. We believe that it and subsequent versions of it, as well as other benchmarks, will give the industry a new model for creating world-class performance measurement tools.

If you’re not a member of the HDC, please consider joining us and helping define the future of performance evaluation.


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