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Category: Collaborative benchmark development

What is truth?

Last fall, we discussed AnandTech’s report on benchmark cheating, and why open and honest benchmark development is so important. This week, benchmark optimization is back in the news, as AnandTech says that the HTC One M8 boosts its performance in whitelisted benchmarks. CNET has quoted HTC admitting that they not only boosted performance, but promoted the boost as a feature.

However, HTC has gone a step further, giving users the option to manually set the phone to high-performance mode. Some of us at PT have been involved in developing benchmarks for over 20 years, and it’s always been true that one person’s cheat can be another person’s valid optimization. Whatever their motivation, HTC’s position – that some people will choose higher performance over longer battery life – is not necessarily wrong.

BatteryXPRT recognizes that there’s a tradeoff between performance and battery life, and that you shouldn’t penalize a fast system the same way you would a system that simply has poor battery life. That’s why it reports a performance score along with the estimated battery life.

Do you have thoughts on optimizations, cheating, or ways to make the benchmarks better? Please drop us a line at


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More grease, more tracks

We’re always looking for ways to make it easier for people to use the benchmarks and interact with the community. I wrote about a new form for suggesting new benchmarks last week. However, we are not stopping there.

Although the community previews for TouchXPRT 2014 and BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android have been out for a few weeks, we’ve continued to improve them before their general releases. For example, we mentioned in TouchXPRT CP1 that we would continue making changes to the UI.

Taking a cue from WebXPRT 2013, the upcoming general releases of TouchXPRT 2014 and BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android will have a button in the UI for submitting results. This will make it easier for you to submit your results to be approved for publication on the PT Web site.

Although there’s not much time left before the general releases of these benchmarks, it’s not too late to send in your ideas. Even if we can’t use your suggestions in this release, we may be able to use them in the future. Let us know what you think by posting to the forum or emailing us at


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Greasing the track

While BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android may still be in its community preview stage, we’re already looking for the next great XPRT. As we’ve said in the past, there’s always something new to measure. That’s where you come in − we want to hear about the benchmarks you want to see!

To make it easier for Community members to send us their ideas, we’ve made a form available in the member’s area. All members have to do is click Have an idea for a new XPRT? and fill in a description. This form saves you the trouble of composing an e-mail and makes it easier for us to track community interest.

However, even though we’re making life simpler for members of the community, anyone can suggest a new benchmark. If you have a good idea or any other comments you want us to hear, just send an e-mail to We also hope you’ll consider joining the community.

There’s a lot of new technology out there, and we’re very excited about upcoming possibilities. Speaking of new technology, check out Bill’s new blog, Tech Everywhere. He’s already written about electric cars, smart watches and a Bluetooth-enabled electric toothbrush. It’s definitely worth a read.


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It’s always worth asking

Last week, one of our community members asked for a couple of enhancements to WebXPRT. They wanted WebXPRT to be easier to automate, and they made two specific requests:

  •  Add debug/result logs
  • Add the ability to start the test without UI interactions, by using a specific URL or a command line

This is a great example of why we put so much emphasis on the community. We have tried to make the BenchmarkXPRT benchmarks easy to use, but we don’t always face the same testing demands you do. If there’s anything we can do to make these tools more valuable, please let us know by posting on the forums or e-mailing us at

We are adding those abilities to the upcoming WebXPRT 2014 community preview. Speaking of the community preview, we have been working hard on it, and in the next few weeks, we’ll be talking about what will be in it.

Keep those requests coming!


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Golden tickets go global

I’ve spent the last week at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. The show is somewhat reminiscent of CES in January, but with a much more European/global feel. There are seven large halls of booths with phones, tablets, accessories, and gadgets of every sort.

MWC picture

I have felt Fujitsu’s haptic technology on a tablet, seen phones operating under water such as Kyocera’s and others, and even talked with someone at Oral-B about their Bluetooth-enabled electric toothbrush.

As at CES , my primary goal has not been to play with cool gadgets, see the sights, and eat good food. (Though, admittedly, all of that has been fun!) Instead, I was here to spread the word about the XPRT benchmarks. I handed out more of the special golden tickets that invite folks to be heard by joining the BenchmarkXPRT community and to take advantage of the opportunity to have PT test devices for free with all the applicable XPRT benchmarks.

If you were not able to attend CES or MWC, or I missed you and did not give you a golden ticket (or one of our cool shirts), please contact us. We don’t want any members of the community to feel left out! And, we’d love any of the rest of you readers to join the community and be part of creating the benchmarks for the next wave of cool phones, tablets, and devices.

-Bill Catchings

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MWC is coming

As you probably know, the Mobile World Congress (MWC) starts Monday in Barcelona. Bill loves gadgets, loves Barcelona, and loves talking about technology, so he’s really looking forward to being there.

Bill’s got a lot to talk about. In January, we released the first community preview for TouchXPRT 2014. Then on February 7, 2014, we released the first community preview for a brand new benchmark: BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android. Not only that, HDXPRT and WebXPRT are in development. And he always loves to hear about new areas where you are interested in having benchmarks.

And that’s not all – If you read Bill and Mark’s post about being at CES, you’ll be happy to know that the Golden Tickets are back! The Golden Tickets let you join the community and get your device tested for free. If you’re a mobile device manufacturer, be sure to find Bill to get yours.

If you want to meet with Bill, send an e-mail to You can also DM us on Twitter at @BenchmarkXPRT.

We hope to see you there!


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