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Category: Collaborative benchmark development

CES day 1

It’s Wednesday night as I’m writing this. CES started in earnest today, and I had a really great day. I saw a lot of cool technology. I really liked the TVs. As I tweeted earlier today, I’m not sure that real life looks that good! That being said, the Ferrari was probably my favorite.

CES Ferrari

I’m not yet convinced about having the family calendar on a tablet embedded in the refrigerator. However, several earnest people made a very good case for it.

This morning PT announced a new program called the XPRT Weekly Tech Spotlight. This is a new way for device vendors and manufacturers to share verified results with buyers around the world. I was happy to talk with a number of different vendors about it and about the XPRTs.

I’ve also met with some community members while I’ve been here. It’s always great to hear from the community, but there’s nothing like being able to sit and talk. The conversations raised some interesting issues, and I’ll be writing about them in future blog posts.

I’m really looking forward to the rest of the show!


Another great year

A lot of great stuff happened this year! In addition to releasing new versions of the benchmarks, videos, infographics, and white papers, we released our first-ever German UI and sponsored our first student partnership at North Carolina State University. We visited three continents to promote the XPRTs and saw XPRT results published in six of them (we’re still working on Antarctica).

Perhaps most exciting, we reached our fifth anniversary. Users have downloaded or run the XPRTs over 100,000 times.

As great as the year has been, we are sprinting into 2016. Though I can’t talk about them yet, there are some big pieces of news coming soon. Even sooner, I will be at CES next week. If you would like to talk about the XPRTs or the future of benchmarking, let me know and we’ll find a time to meet.

Whatever your holiday traditions are, I hope you are having a great holiday season. Here’s wishing you all the best in 2016!


Auf Deutsche

Early next week, we will update WebXPRT by adding a German UI. This brings the number of available languages to three. WebXPRT has had a Simplified Chinese UI for a while, but you had to click a link on the WebXPRT page to get it. The new version removes that limitation, and lets you select Simplified Chinese, English, or German from the UI.

WebXPRT '15 German

We’re working on getting WebXPRT to automatically detect the language of your device, but for now, the UI defaults to English.

We would like to expand the range of languages the XPRTs support over time. This is an area where you can help. If you’d like to see your language represented and are willing to help with translation, please let us know.

I know it’s the holiday season, but remember that CES will be here before we know it. I’m really looking forward to seeing the show, and I may have some big news to talk about while I’m there! If you’re planning to be at CES, send a message and let’s find a time to meet!

We will not have a blog post next week. Happy holidays!


Last week in the XPRTs
We published the December 2015 BenchmarkXPRT Development Community newsletter.
We added one new BatteryXPRT ’14 result.
We added nine new MobileXPRT ’13 results.
We added one new MobileXPRT ’15 result.
We added four new WebXPRT ’15 results.

Nebula Wolf

A couple of months ago, we talked about the senior project we sponsored with North Carolina State University. We asked a small team of students to take a crack at implementing a game that we could use as the basis of a benchmark test.

Last Friday, the project culminated with a presentation at the annual Posters and Pies event.

Nebula Wolf

The team gave a great presentation, and I was impressed by how much they accomplished in 3 months. They implemented a game that they called Nebula Wolf – the mascot for NC State is a wolf. It’s a space-themed rail shooter. You can play the game, or click a button to run a script for benchmarking purposes. In the scripted mode, Nebula Wolf unlocks the frame rate so the device can run at full speed.

Over the next couple of weeks, we’re going to be testing Nebula Wolf, digging into the code and getting a deeper understanding of what the team did. We’re hoping to make the game available on our web site soon.

Tomorrow, AJ, Brien, and Rachel will present one last time, here at PT. It’s been a real pleasure working with them. I wish them all good luck as they finish college and start their careers.


Please let us know

Todd Reifsteck from the Web Platform Team at Microsoft was kind enough to let me share a conversation we had last week:

Todd reported he was having problems running WebXPRT on the Edge browser. This was a surprise to us, as we’d already released a WebXPRT update to resolve Edge browser issues.

We were not seeing this problem, and as we talked with Todd we verified there was no issue in WebXPRT itself. The fix we released was working; however, we found a path through the web site that launched the previous version of WebXPRT. Once we fixed that URL to point to the latest version of WebXPRT, Todd reported that WebXPRT was working with Edge, just as we expected.

This problem would not have affected results on other browsers. The results from the previous version of WebXPRT are comparable to the current version. Compatibility with the Edge browser is the only difference between the versions.

Thanks to Todd for his help. As always, we encourage you to contact us if you have any issues or questions. We’ll do our best to resolve them as quickly as possible.


The TouchXPRT 2016 Community Preview is here!

Today we are releasing the TouchXPRT 2016 Community Preview (CP). TouchXPRT 2016 includes the same performance workloads as TouchXPRT 2014, but we have rebuilt it as a Universal Windows app. This makes TouchXPRT 2016 compatible with systems running Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile.

Because this is a community preview, it is available only to community members. Members may download the preview from the TouchXPRT tab in the Members’ Area.

The results viewer in the TouchXPRT 2016 CP is not fully functional. Please consult the release notes for further details (login required).

After you try out the CP, please send your comments. Either post them to the forum or mail them to If you send us information that’s relevant to the entire community, we may post an anonymous version of your comments to the forum.

Thanks for your participation!

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