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Category: Battery life

Testing the waters

A couple of weeks ago, we talked about some of our ideas for a new XPRT designed for Google’s Chrome OS. We’ve been working with some of these ideas and, while we’re still in the experimental stage, things look promising so far.

As we mentioned in the earlier blog, we’re trying WebXPRT as a base for the performance part of the test. So far, the performance component is working well. In addition to modified WebXPRT tests, we’re also trying some things that are not part of the WebXPRT 2013 workload.

We’ve been able to get battery life, but it’s been challenging and we haven’t found a way to avoid using Chrome’s Developer Mode. Accessing Developer Mode in Chrome can be tricky and requires different steps for each hardware manufacturer. We’re hoping to find ways to make battery life testing easier.

I’ve been vague about the tests because they’re likely to change over the next few weeks. We’re experimenting with both browser-based and Native Client-based performance tasks. As they firm up, I’ll be able to share more information.

Challenges aside, we’re excited about this new benchmark, and committed to making it as effective as possible. We’d still love feedback on a name, so feel free to contact us at with your ideas.


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BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android is here!

Today we formally released BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android. The BenchmarkXPRT Development Community has been using a community preview for several weeks and now that we’ve released the benchmark, anyone may freely use it.

Also, the BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android source will soon be available to the community. Remember that community members have access to the source, but it is not available to the general public.

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It’s show time!

Tomorrow is the big day for BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android. After months of development, it’s finally time to release it to the world. We’ve learned quite a bit throughout the process, and we expect BatteryXPRT to become a trusted tool for Android users around the world.

BatteryXPRT will be available for download at, or through the Google Play Store. It will be available to the public no later than 5:00 PM ET on Friday May 2.

The BatteryXPRT results page allows you to submit test results directly from the app. We hope you’ll use this feature to submit your test runs for publication in the database.

There’s a huge diversity of Android devices out there, so will link to a page of tips, tricks, and known issues that we compiled during development testing. As with any of the XPRTs, if you encounter any issues please let us know.

Along with the new app, we also invite you to check out the Exploring BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android white paper for a more in-depth discussion of how it all works.

It’s definitely BatteryXPRT’s time to shine, but don’t forget that the new and improved TouchXPRT is coming soon!


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It’s all in the presentation

The comment period for BatteryXPRT CP2 ended on Monday. Now we are in the final sprint to release the benchmark.

The extensive testing we’ve been doing has meant that we’ve been staring at a lot of numbers. This has led us to make a change in how we present the results. As you would expect, the battery life when you’re running the test using Wi-Fi is different than when you’re running it using your cellular network. Although individual devices vary, the difference is in the vicinity of 10 percent, about the same as the difference between Airplane mode and using Wi-Fi.

BatteryXPRT has always captured a device’s Wi-Fi setting in its disclosure results, but had not included this information with the results. Because we found it so helpful to have the Wi-Fi setting alongside the results, we have changed the presentation of the results to recognize three modes: Airplane, Wi-Fi, and Cellular. We hope that this will avoid confusion as people are using BatteryXPRT.

Note that we have not changed the way the results are calculated. Results you generated during the preview are still valid. However, results from one mode should not be compared to results from another mode.

We’ve been talking a lot about BatteryXPRT, but TouchXPRT is also looking great! We’re looking forward to releasing both of them soon!


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Greasing the track

While BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android may still be in its community preview stage, we’re already looking for the next great XPRT. As we’ve said in the past, there’s always something new to measure. That’s where you come in − we want to hear about the benchmarks you want to see!

To make it easier for Community members to send us their ideas, we’ve made a form available in the member’s area. All members have to do is click Have an idea for a new XPRT? and fill in a description. This form saves you the trouble of composing an e-mail and makes it easier for us to track community interest.

However, even though we’re making life simpler for members of the community, anyone can suggest a new benchmark. If you have a good idea or any other comments you want us to hear, just send an e-mail to We also hope you’ll consider joining the community.

There’s a lot of new technology out there, and we’re very excited about upcoming possibilities. Speaking of new technology, check out Bill’s new blog, Tech Everywhere. He’s already written about electric cars, smart watches and a Bluetooth-enabled electric toothbrush. It’s definitely worth a read.


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Has it only been 2 weeks?

2014 has barely started, but things are already popping!

The new battery test has a name: BatteryXPRT for Android. We are busy at work on the latest member of the BenchmarkXPRT family. The comment period for BatteryXPRT for Android ended last Friday. We greatly appreciate the comments we received on the RFC. We used them to shape the RFC into a design document, which is available on the member forum now.

In other news, we’re testing  what we hope will be the TouchXPRT 2014 community preview (CP) now. Testing is going well and we will be releasing the TouchXPRT 2014 CP to the community soon. As I said in TouchXPRT 2014, we’ve revamped the tests. They are more visual and more demanding than the old tests, and they introduce new types of work. The tests look great!

Speaking of looking great, we announced a while back that we were doing a UI redesign across the XPRT benchmarks. Unfortunately, that effort was not quite in sync with the release of the TouchXPRT 2014 CP, so the CP will use the older style UI. We will update the UI for the final version, but doing so will not affect the results.

Remember that you have to belong to the community to get the community preview. If you’re still not a member, come join us.

A new member of the family and a new version of an old friend. 2014 is off to a great start.


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