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Category: Battery life

Winding down the year

We have a few things we need to touch on before the year ends.

In TouchXPRT 2014, we described some of the changes to TouchXPRT. We had hoped to have the Consumer Preview out in December, but we need to do a little more work on it. However, the TouchXPRT 2014 CP is coming after first of the year, and it’s worth the wait!

For the first time ever, we found a situation that caused WebXPRT to fail. We got a report of an iPhone 5s failing. We found that the user was using the private browsing mode. The WebXPRT Offline Notes test uses HTML5 local storage to sync and store notes locally. Safari and iOS Safari don’t support setting the HTML 5 localStorage property when using private browsing mode. Not using private browsing fixes the problem.

Remember that we are in the comment period for the new battery test. Community members should definitely check out the battery test RFC.

As we mentioned before, Bill and Mark are going to CES. If you’d like to chat, send an e-mail to

This is the last blog of 2013. The next post will be on January 2.

It’s been a great year. Thank you all.

Happy holidays!


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The battery life test RFC is here

As we’ve mentioned in recent blog posts, we’ve been investigating a battery life test.  We’ve now done enough research that we feel comfortable making a proposal for the test.  We released the RFC, or request for comments, for upcoming battery life test yesterday. Our major objective with the RFC is to get your feedback.

Given the amount of time and effort it took to develop the methodology, we had to lay a lot of code. While nothing is written in stone, things are pretty far along.

For the next four weeks, until January 8, we want to hear what you what you think about the approach, the results calculations, and anything else you think is worth discussing. Notably, we are still debating if this should be part of MobileXPRT or be its own benchmark.

Community members can download the RFC from here. If you’re not yet a member of the community, now’s a great time to join. Not only can you comment on the RFC, you’ll be able to see the community preview when it becomes available.

Since the benchmark does not have a name yet, we haven’t dedicated a forum to it yet. Please post your comments in the BenchmarkXPRT forum, or mail them to

Let us know what you think! We probably won’t be able to get everything done, but now is the time to dream.


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