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Category: Android

It’s all in the presentation

The comment period for BatteryXPRT CP2 ended on Monday. Now we are in the final sprint to release the benchmark.

The extensive testing we’ve been doing has meant that we’ve been staring at a lot of numbers. This has led us to make a change in how we present the results. As you would expect, the battery life when you’re running the test using Wi-Fi is different than when you’re running it using your cellular network. Although individual devices vary, the difference is in the vicinity of 10 percent, about the same as the difference between Airplane mode and using Wi-Fi.

BatteryXPRT has always captured a device’s Wi-Fi setting in its disclosure results, but had not included this information with the results. Because we found it so helpful to have the Wi-Fi setting alongside the results, we have changed the presentation of the results to recognize three modes: Airplane, Wi-Fi, and Cellular. We hope that this will avoid confusion as people are using BatteryXPRT.

Note that we have not changed the way the results are calculated. Results you generated during the preview are still valid. However, results from one mode should not be compared to results from another mode.

We’ve been talking a lot about BatteryXPRT, but TouchXPRT is also looking great! We’re looking forward to releasing both of them soon!


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BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android Community Preview 2 is available to community members!

As promised in Something new, we’re releasing the BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android Community Preview 2 (CP2) to demonstrate BatteryXPRT’s Simplified Chinese UI. See Community Preview 2 is available! for the details (login required).

The general release is coming soon, so this will be a really quick Community Preview. The comment period will last for a week, through Monday, April 21. Assuming there are no significant issues, we hope to release the final version shortly thereafter. Please let us know if you see any problems.

If you are not a community member, it’s easy to join!


Something new

We have seen significant interest from China in the XPRTs over the last year, with particular interest given to MobileXPRT. Given how important Android is in the Asian market, this not a surprise.

Our newest benchmark for Android devices is BatteryXPRT. While it’s still in Community Preview, we’re experimenting a bit with internationalization. On Monday, we’re going to release a second Community Preview with a UI in Simplified Chinese. Here’s what it looks like.

BattXPRT end test results Chinese                  BattXPRT detailed results Chinese

BatteryXPRT uses Android’s global language setting to determine whether to display in English or Simplified Chinese. Assuming your device is currently set to English, this is the setting you change by navigating to Settings → Language & input → Language. For those who are familiar with Android development, the new resources are in the res/drawable-zh-rCN and res/values-zh-rCN directories.

If your device is currently set up to use Simplified Chinese, and if everything is working correctly, BatteryXPRT will open with a Simplified Chinese UI. For any language other than Simplified Chinese, the application will default to English.

Because this is an experiment, the localization is not complete. For example, the User Manual is still in English.

We’re close to the general release, so this will be a really quick Community Preview. We’ll release CP2 to the community on Monday, April 14. We’ll take comments for a week, through Monday, April 21. Assuming the community does not find any significant issues, we hope to release the final version shortly thereafter. Please let us know if you see any problems.

We are very aware that this is a tiny first step on the road to internationalization. We’re currently researching what it would take to localize our various assets such as the documentation and Web sites. If you have any comments or ideas, please contact us at

And if you’d like to try your hand at translating the user manual, let us know!


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BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android CP1

Last week we released the BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android Community Preview 1 (CP1). As I said in last week’s blog, You wanted it? You got it!, you are free to publish results from this community preview.

We hope you’ll submit results to be published in the BatteryXPRT database. You’ll find the file containing your results in the Android\data\com.batteryxprt\BatteryXPRT\results directory on the SD card of your device. The results directory will contain a time-stamped directory for each run – for example, “2014Feb11142239.” You’ll find a file named Results.xml in the appropriate time-stamped directory. To submit a result, just e-mail the Results.xml file from your run to

The benchmark includes a user manual in the UI. In addition to the benchmark itself, you can also find installation instructions and a design overview in the member’s area.

We’ll make the source code for the community preview available in the next few days.

Given the diversity and changing nature of Android devices, we expect that you may run into some issues. As with any of our community previews, if you encounter any issues, please let us know so we can continue to improve the benchmark as we prepare it for release.

Community previews are only available to community members. If you are not a member, this a great time to join.

After you’ve downloaded CP1, let us know what you think by posting to the forum or e-mailing us at


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BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android Community Preview 1 is available to community members!

As promised in You Wanted it? You got it!, we are releasing the BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android Community Preview 1. See Community Preview 1 is available! for the details. (login required)

If you are not a community member, it’s easy to join!


You wanted it? You got it!

As Bill said in Endurance, when we asked what new benchmark people most wanted to see, battery life was number one. Over the past few months, we’ve announced that we’re developing a battery benchmark, solicited input from the community, and have been hard at work developing BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android.

I’m happy to announce that we’re releasing BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android Community Preview 1 (CP1) later this week. CP1, as its name makes clear, is not the final BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android release. There’s still a lot of work to do on the user interface and the new results viewer. However, it’s a great way for everyone in the community to see the current state of our thinking and to provide us with feedback. You can run this version of the tool and see what you think!

As we’ve done with previous community previews, we’re also taking two more steps:

  • We’re not putting any publication restrictions on this preview release. Test at will, and publish your findings.
  • We’re releasing the source code to all community members. If you’re curious about not just what we’re doing but how we’re doing it, you can find out.

As the design document explains, BatteryXPRT 2014 for Android can estimate battery life in less than 6 hours. You can also use it as a rundown test if you prefer. In addition, CP1 is the first of our benchmarks to use the new UI design. Here’s a peek:

BatteryXPRT CP1 home screen

As you can see from the screenshot, you can run the test in Airplane mode or connected to the network. There are other cool features we’ll be talking about once CP1 is available.

We’re really excited about this one. I can’t wait!


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