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Author Archives: Bill Catchings

Web benchmarking challenges

I think that an important part of any touch benchmark will be a Web component. After all, the always (or almost always) connected nature ofthese devices is a critical part of their identities. I think such a Web benchmark needs to include a measurement of page load speed (how long it takes to download and render a page).

Creating such a test seems straightforward. Pick a set of sites, such as the five or ten most popular, and then time how long the home page of each takes to load. The problem, however, is that those pages are constantly changing. Every few months, most popular sites do a major redesign. That would obviously affect the results for a test and make it difficult to compare the results of a current test to one from a few months back. It is even more of a problem that the page will be different for one user than another as sites typically know things like where you are and what your computer is and adjust things to match those characteristics. And, the ads and the content of the site are constantly changing and updating. Even hitting Refresh on a page can give you different page.

Given all of those problems, how is it possible to test page loads? One way is to create pages that are similar those of leading Web sites in terms of things like size, amount of graphics, and dynamic elements. This allows the tests to be consistent over time and from different devices and locations. (Or, at least, as consistent as the variability of the Internet from moment to moment allows.) The problem with this approach, however, is that the pages will age out as Web sites update themselves and they will not be the real sites.

Such are the tradeoffs in benchmarking. The key is how to balance real science with real world considerations. What do you think? Which approach is the better balance of real science and real world?


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Who is on board?

While talking with people at CES about HDXPRT and the upcoming touch benchmark, I encountered the same question a few times—Who are the current members of the Development Community? My answer was something along the lines of “About 10 PC hardware vendors, about the same number of press people, and a few other folks from companies around the world.” I was, however, itching to name the companies because the list is really pretty impressive. We haven’t asked for permission from the Development Community members, though, so I left my answer vague.

Given our goal of expanding the Development Community, I find myself weighing two possible outcomes if we were to make public the names of the companies represented. On the one hand, it could encourage others to join us (“All the other cool kids are doing it, I guess I will too!”). On the other hand, it could discourage others from joining us (“Not sure how my company would feel about this. Should I ask Legal? I’m too busy, never mind.”)

My best plan for now is to email each member individually and ask where he or she stands on company anonymity. And to give all new members the option of keeping their affiliation off the record. Rest assured that we will definitely not reveal this information without your permission.

We’d like to know what you think. Would you have joined the Development Community if doing so required identifying your company and allowing us to share it? Would you now be willing to let us say that someone from your company is a member?


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CES: Gadget overload

I never thought I would say this, but there are more electronic gadgets and toys than I want. While walking the many cavernous show floors of CES, I saw cool bicycle gadgets from iBike ( One device is a case for your iPhone that transforms it into a cycling computer. Because it measures wind speed, it actually is more capable than any existing bike computer—it uses data you supply like your type of bike and your weight, GPS info and knowledge of the terrain, and readings on wind speed and your heart rate to calculate your power output. If it works reliably, it would provide data that normally requires a cycle power meter costing a couple thousand dollars. If you are not into cycling, you probably don’t care, but it does show how our phones are becoming the gathering point for a myriad of data sources around us. I definitely need to try one of these out when they become available in March.

I also saw solar panels from Sharp (SunSnap) that have the inverter built in so that they output AC power directly. This gets around the messy inverter and wiring problems of typical panels that output DC power. Now, if I can get my homeowners association to agree, I need some of these.

I also saw TVs that were enormous, like 84-inch LCD, and gorgeous, like the 55-inch OLED, both from LG. I saw Windows 8 tablets and cars and iPhone cases and e-cigarettes. Basically, I reached gadget overload. At least the future of technology does not appear to be boring!

Thanks so much to the folks that stopped by our suite to talk about HDXPRT, the upcoming touch benchmark, and what they see as the future of benchmarking. We will be doing our best over the coming months to incorporate your ideas and suggestions. If you were not able to visit with us, please feel free to drop me an email and let me know what you are thinking.


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A new benchmark

Hopefully, you caught our press release yesterday: The short form of it is that we (PT and the HDXPRT Development Community) are going to create another benchmark—one aimed at touch-based devices. The obvious place to start will be Windows 8 Metro. Because it is a Windows-based touch platform, the development process should not be too different from work we have done in the past and may even allow us to use some code from HDXPRT. The longer-term goal of going cross-platform will be much more challenging. One step at a time!

Touch-based computing devices and Windows 8 Metro are emerging areas without any good tools for comparing performance. We are all excited at this opportunity to create a benchmark to meet that need and hope you are as well. After all, we will need your help to pull this off!

As I mentioned last week, I will be at CES. I would love to talk with as many of you as possible about the new touch benchmark and HDXPRT 2012. We’ll have a suite at the Hilton and I will be on the show floor checking out the latest gadgets, especially touch devices. Drop us an email at if you would like to stop by the suite or will be working a booth or suite and would like me to stop by. Either way, I’m hoping to see quite a few of you folks there.


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See you next year, maybe at CES?

This is just a quick entry to wish everyone a great and productive 2012 and to let you know that I will be at CES. My goal is to meet with as many of you in the Development Community as possible. Please let me know if you have some time and would like to escape the craziness of the show to relax and chat. We’ll have a suite at the Hilton and would love to offer you the opportunity to kick back and talk about HDXPRT, the future of benchmarks, or about the cool things you’ve seen at the show. If you plan to be at CES, but are stuck working a booth or suite, let me know and I’ll try to stop by and say hi. Drop us an email at and we will set up an appointment.

I hope to see quite a few of you folks there. And, to play with lots of cool new toys! Have a Happy New Year!


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The reach of touch

I’ve spent some time over the last week looking into computing devices with touch interfaces. It has become clear to me that touch is not just the next way of interacting with a computing device. As has been the case with earlier input mechanisms such as the punch card, keyboard, and mouse, the interface defines the experience and the whole platform. I have been in the industry long enough to have started on punch cards. When you wrote programs in that environment, you made sure that everything was right before you even attempted to run the program. (You also tried really hard to not drop your deck of punch cards!)

Keyboards and monitors drove command-line interfaces. In those interfaces, I learned how to enter really complex commands to do things like repeat or modify earliercommands. (If !! or !$ mean anything to you, that probably means you understood how to get the most out of the C shell command-line interface.)

The mouse, as an input device, worked naturally with windowed environments. Click, drag, and drop all took on new meaning in the mouse-centric world. The mouse lends itself well to precision but can be cumbersome for something like turning the page in a document—I still often use the page-down key instead.

Touch-based computing devices are beginning to define their environments. Not only does touch determine what is easy (turning a page is trivial, but picking an exact point on the screen is hard), but a way of working. Applications tend to be less complex, and cheaper and easier to get. Consequently, applications (and their usages) are much more disposable. I used the same family of keyboard-based text editors for at least fifteen years (EMACS) before moving to a mouse-based, windowed word-processing environment and have not changed that (Word) for even longer. However, I have used multiple note-taking programs on my iPad in just the last couple of months. In the world of the mouse and windows, deciding on a particular program required a large investment of time and money. In the world of touch and application markets, I try a few programs, pick one I like, and do not hesitate to change when a new one comes out.

All of this, of course, will need to come into play in any attempt to benchmark a touch environment such as Windows 8 Metro. For example, there may be less emphasis on particular applications than on categories of applications. It also means that it will likely be important to have more small, targeted usage scenarios than a few large scenarios. What do you think will be different (or the same) in a touch benchmark?

I, and the HDXPRT team, wish everyone a great holiday! Enjoy some time at home with family. And, enjoy playing with whatever new devices you get this year!


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