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Art or sausage?

I discussed in my previous blog how weighing the tradeoffs between real science and real world in benchmark is a real art. One person felt it was more akin to sausage making than art! In truth, I have made that comparison myself.

That, of course, got me thinking. Is the process of creating a benchmark like that of creating sausage? With sausage, the feeling is that if you knew what went into sausage, you probably wouldn’t eat it. That may well be true, but I would still like to know that someone was inspecting the sausage factory. Sausage that contains strange animal parts is one thing, but sausage containing E. coli is another.

We are trying with the Development Community to use transparency to create better benchmarks. My feeling is that the more inspectors (members) there are, the better the benchmark will be. At least to me, unlike making sausage, creating benchmarks is actually cool. (There are probably sausage artisans who feel the same way about sausage.)

What do you think? Would you prefer to know what goes into making a benchmark? We hope so and hope that is why you are a part of this community. If you are not part of the Development Community, we encourage you to join at Come join us in the sausage-making art house!


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