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The truth hurts

The truth hurts sometimes. Bill loves to mention how long he, Mark, and I have been involved in benchmark software. I am, of course, grateful to him for reminding me of just how old we all are.

Another truth that hurts is that sometimes things don’t happen when you want them to. Case in point: The preview of Windows 8.1 is supposed to be available on June 26. We released TouchXPRT, which is based on Windows 8, to the public in February.

The problem of timing is not limited to benchmarks. All software has timing issues. While the advance descriptions of the changes in Windows 8.1 don’t mention anything that should break the benchmark, we need to see what, if any, effect, the new version of the OS may have on the benchmark and its results.

As soon as the preview is available, we’ll start testing with it. As soon as we know whether TouchXPRT runs on Windows 8.1 and gives results comparable to Windows 8, we will let you know. We would appreciate help from any of you in trying out TouchXPRT with Windows 8.1. Let us know what you find out!


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