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We’re excited by the high level of interest the community and vendors have shown in the upcoming cross-platform MobileXPRT benchmark. We’ve received general observations about what a cross-platform benchmark should be, along with detailed suggestions about tests, subsystems, and benchmark architecture. We appreciate all of the responses and welcome more, so please keep them coming!

The number-one concern we’ve heard is that we be sure the benchmark tests all platforms fairly. Transparency will be essential to assure users that the tests are performing the same work on all platforms and performing the work in the appropriate way for each platform.

Fortunately, the XPRTs are well positioned to address that concern. From the beginning, we have used a community model. The source code is available to all members, which is the ultimate in transparency.  (If you’re not a community member, it’s easy to join!)

Speaking of source code, we released TouchXPRT source code to the community this week. Members can download the source here (login required).


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