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Looking at the data

We’re planning the general release of WebXPRT 2015 for late next week. The testing is looking good and the response has been positive.

We’ve been looking at the hundreds of runs in the database for the community preview.  As we’ve said before, we’ve been looking at the information from the JavaScript navigator object in the hope that we could improve the disclosure information from WebXPRT 2015. However, the information is not reliable enough for us to use it at this time. Hopefully, that will improve in the near future.

For now, we will continue to use the information from the user agent string. We’ve discussed the user agent string before. It does give us some information about the device, although not as much as we are able to gather in some of the XPRTs.

Looking at the data, the most common OS has been Windows. This may be in part because you needed to be logged in to run the CP. However, Android devices represented over a third of the runs, and Chrome OS represented about 25 percent of the runs. While we had healthy numbers of iOS devices, there were only a handful of Mac OSX runs.  Chrome was the most common browser. Other browsers identified themselves as Safari, Firefox, Opera, and MS IE.

As you can see, the new WebXPRT continues the tradition that WebXPRT 2013 started of running everywhere. We can’t wait to make it available to general public!


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