A Principled Technologies report: Hands-on testing. Real-world results.

Achieve faster analytics performance and better energy efficiency on Dell PowerEdge R7625 servers powered by AMD EPYC 9654 processors

Based on our results, seven legacy HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 servers could consolidate onto one Dell™ PowerEdge™ R7625

Effective analytics enable organizations to make swift, data-driven decisions; respond to customer needs with agility; and identify competitive opportunities. However, these workloads can demand significant computational resources, leading to high energy costs. To address energy demands and boost performance, organizations should consider updating their data center with newer, energy-efficient servers such as Dell PowerEdge R7625 servers with AMD EPYC 9654 processors.

Our tests with the HammerDB TPROC-H workload show that replacing seven-year-old HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 servers powered by 16-core Intel® Xeon® Gold 6142 processors with Dell PowerEdge R7625 servers powered by 96-core AMD EPYC 9654 processors could speed up data analytics—enough that a single PowerEdge R7625 can do 7.8 times the work of the legacy system. This jump in performance can improve an organization’s data-driven decision-making or even allow them to consolidate seven older servers onto a single new Dell PowerEdge R7625 (with headroom), paving the way to shrink data center costs. In addition to the performance boosts and competitive advantages that the PowerEdge R7625 can bring, replacing the seven-year-old server could alleviate escalating maintenance costs, avoid warranty expiration, and minimize other risks from keeping the older server in production.

The Dell PowerEdge R7625 also improved energy efficiency in a head-to-head comparison, offering 2.9 times the performance per watt of the legacy HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10. Or, consolidating seven legacy servers onto a single new Dell PowerEdge R7625 would cut power utilization by 61.2 percent. Moving from legacy HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 servers to higher-performing, energy-efficient Dell PowerEdge R7625 servers can give organizations a strong platform for data analytics while helping them potentially cut operating costs and leaving room for future growth.

Process data analytics faster. 7.8 times more queries per hour. The Dell PowerEdge R7625 server processed 385 queries per hour. The HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 server processed 48 queries per hour.  

Better energy efficiency in the data center. 61.2 percent less power utilization consolidating 7 legacy servers to 1 Dell PowerEdge R7625. The Dell PowerEdge R7625 server consumed 1,188 watts during testing whereas seven HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 servers, doing the same amount of work as one PowerEdge R7625, would consume 3,066 watts.

How we tested

We used the TPROC-H workload from the HammerDB benchmark to analyze queries on PostgreSQL 16 databases running on virtual machines using VMware vSphere 8 as the hypervisor. While running the TPROC-H workload, we captured power consumption by using iLO and iDRAC sensor data. We recorded performance statistics from the benchmark and power utilization from the following servers:

  • Legacy HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 server with 16-core Intel Xeon Gold 6142 processors
  • Current-gen Dell PowerEdge R7625 server with 96-core AMD EPYC 9654 processors

During testing, the average CPU utilization for the legacy solution was 77.6 percent and the average CPU utilization for the PowerEdge R7625 was 78.3 percent. Due to the nature of the TPROC-H tests, some VMs finished the work before others which contributed to lower CPU utilization as the test progressed. Peak CPU utilization for both servers was 100 percent.

To learn more about the configurations we tested and see step-by-step details for completing testing, please see the science behind the report.

Hands-on testing shows the benefits of the Dell PowerEdge R7625

Are you looking to complete analytics workloads faster? Test results show that moving to a new Dell PowerEdge R7625 server with AMD EPYC 9654 processors can speed up data analytics and optimize power utilization compared to running analytics on a legacy HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 server with Intel Xeon Gold 6142 processors. We present results below for comparison with the legacy server. For detailed performance results, see the science behind the report.

Run more analytics query sets per hour

When we compared the Dell PowerEdge R7625 server to the HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10, we found that the new AMD processor-powered server completed 7.8 times as many TPROC-H query sets per hour (see Figure 1).

Number of queries completed in one hour. Higher is better. The Dell PowerEdge R7625 server processed 385 and the HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 processed 48.
The number of query sets each system would able to complete in one hour. Higher numbers are better. Source: Principled Technologies.

The Dell PowerEdge R7625 was able to support more than six times as many VMs as the legacy HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10—38 compared to 6—and completed all queries in just 355 seconds, compared to 441 seconds. By choosing servers that can support more workloads and complete analytics faster, your organization can get answers in less time, which improves your ability to make quick decisions.

Improve energy efficiency

Power and cooling costs don’t appear to be dropping anytime soon, so optimizing energy efficiency can have positive impact on your data center operating costs. When we captured power consumption of the servers during our TPROC-H tests, we found that the Dell PowerEdge R7625 consumed more power overall, but only because it was handling so much more work than the HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10. We divided the total server performance by the average consumed power to compare overall energy efficiency. As Figure 2 shows, the Dell PowerEdge R7625 with AMD EPYC 9654 processors offered 2.9 times the performance per watt of the legacy server—making it a better choice for organizations seeking to optimize energy efficiency.

Normalized performance per watt. Higher is better. We normalized the performance of the Dell PowerEdge R7625 to the HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10. When we set the performance per watt of the HPE server as a baseline of 1, performance per watt of the Dell server was 2.9.
Performance per watt for the two systems, normalized to the performance of the HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10. Higher numbers are better. Source: Principled Technologies.

The Dell PowerEdge R7625 can put you on the path to savings through consolidation

To put the performance gains of the Dell PowerEdge R7625 in a different context—because it can do 7.8 times the data analysis work of a HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 server, an organization could replace seven legacy servers with a single PowerEdge R7625. This would allow them to complete the same amount of data analysis queries they currently do, while leaving headroom for future growth as well.

Figure 3 shows the number of servers needed to complete a set data analysis workload.

Consolidation ratio. Lower is better. A single Dell PowerEdge R7625 server can do the work of 7.8 HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 servers.
Consolidation ratio of older HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 servers to the new Dell PowerEdge R7625. Lower numbers are better. Source: Principled Technologies.

Consolidating your data center in this manner can lead to savings: in maintenance time, per-server licensing costs, rack space, and also power and cooling costs. We monitored the energy consumption of the servers during our tests. Because our results show that a single Dell PowerEdge R7625 could replace seven older HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 servers, we estimate that the average power consumption for seven legacy servers would be 3,066 watts during this workload, while a single PowerEdge R7625 consumes only and average 1,188 watts—a 61.2 percent decrease in average power consumption for the same work (see Figure 4).

Average energy consumption in watts. Lower is better. The Dell PowerEdge R7625 consumed 1,188 watts and the HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 consumed 3,066 watts.
Average energy consumption during our TPROC-H testing for a single Dell PowerEdge R7625 vs. the seven HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 servers it could replace. Lower numbers are better. Source: Principled Technologies.

Consolidation can also yield licensing savings. VMware licenses VMware vSphere 8 on a per-core basis, with a minimum of 16-core licenses per processor. The legacy HPE system we tested contains two 16-core Intel Xeon Scalable processors, requiring a total of 32 VMware vSphere 8 licenses. The Dell PowerEdge R7625 has two 96-core AMD EPYC processors, meaning it requires more licenses in a head-to-head comparison with the legacy HPE server. However, scaling the licenses to match our consolidation scenario would bring the number of per-core VMware licenses down from 224 to 192, which means 32 fewer licenses—a 14.2 percent reduction—to handle roughly the same amount of analytics work. Fewer licenses would cut operating costs, thus potentially helping the bottom line of your organization or department.

What do these test results mean to you?

Organizations of all types and sizes use data analysis to identify patterns and shift their strategies to better target their marketing, focus production on what’s selling, and ultimately maximize sales for better business.

Take for example a hypothetical clothing business that focuses mostly on well-made t-shirts and sweatshirts. Historical sales data may show that the business should plan to produce more shirts during the summer, when consumers need warm-weather clothing, and more sweatshirts during the winter. Their calendar is (more or less) set for how many articles of clothing they print every month. But what happens when a popular influencer on fashion TikTok recommends one of their t-shirts in the middle of an unseasonably warm November?

If the company isn’t constantly and quickly analyzing their social media and sales data—they’d miss the signs that they need to ramp up production on the shirt in question. They’d keep the status quo of their production schedule and would fail to get more shirts available for consumers to purchase. On the other hand, if they’re analyzing data quickly, they’ll be alerted to a potential sales trend—which allows them to get more shirts on the shelves in time to ride this particular out-of-season t-shirt wave all the way to the bank.

A business such as this one needs high-performing servers that analyze their growing amounts of data quickly, in real time, allowing them to pivot when needed—and sets them up for the future so they aren’t worrying about the capacity of their server infrastructure immediately after investing in new hardware.

Our tests results show that the Dell PowerEdge R7625 is poised to meet these needs. Choosing the new Dell PowerEdge R7625 to replace their seven-year-old HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 servers would allow our publisher to analyze 7.8 times the data (in a head-to-head, server vs. server comparison) OR consolidate seven older servers onto a single new server while leaving room for future growth. Whichever path the publisher chooses, upgrading their decision support infrastructure from the HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 with the Dell PowerEdge R7625 could improve their ability to make quick decisions and reduce their overall footprint, saving them on key operating costs including power and cooling and server licensing.


If your organization is still running legacy servers like the seven-year-old HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10, you may expose yourself to the risks of expiring warranties, rising maintenance costs, and more. You also may not be adequately prepared to reap the benefits of high-powered analytics workloads. You may eventually complete your data analytics queries, but you could get answers faster and improve energy efficiency in your data center by moving to new Dell PowerEdge R7625 servers with AMD EPYC 9654 processors.

The Dell PowerEdge R7625 completed up to 7.8 times as many TPROC-H query sets per hour and offered 2.9 times the performance per watt compared to a legacy HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10. These performance gains mean that you could also take the path of consolidating seven older systems onto a single Dell PowerEdge R7625, which can save on operating costs including maintenance, server licensing, power and cooling, rack space, and more.

  1. Cloudflare, “What is a vector database?” accessed July 1, 2024, https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/ai/what-is-vector-database/.
  2. Timescale, “Making PostgreSQL a better AI database,” accessed July 1, 2024, https://www.timescale.com/blog/making-postgresql-a-better-ai-database/.
  3. Timescale, “Making PostgreSQL a better AI database.”
  4. Timescale, “Making PostgreSQL a better AI database.”
  5. Gulcin Yildirim Jelinek, “What is pgvector and How Can It Help You?” accessed July 17, 2024, https://www.enterprisedb.com/blog/what-is-pgvector.
  6. r/vectordatabase, “PostgreSQL Vector DB vs. Native DBs,” accessed July 17, 2024, https://www.reddit.com/r/vectordatabase/comments/1al71r3/postgresql_vector_db_vs_native_dbs/?rdt=45882.
  7. Dell, “PowerEdge R7625 Specification Sheet,” accessed July 12, 2024, https://www.delltechnologies.com/asset/en-us/products/servers/technical-support/poweredge-r7625-spec-sheet.pdf.
  8. HammerDB, “What is TPROC-H derived from TPC-H?” accessed June 27, 2024, https://www.hammerdb.com/docs/ch11s01.html.

This project was commissioned by Dell Technologies.

November 2024

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