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Looking for a bargain?

There are many benefits to being a member of the community: the XPRT community previews, the source code for the benchmarks, the monthly newsletter, and more. To join the community, all you’ve had to do up until now is sign up and pay a one-time $20 fee. Our goal with the fee was to make sure that people who joined were serious.

Today, we’re announcing a change. We recognize that, for some companies, getting that $20 fee reimbursed can be a hassle. So, if you work for a device maker, OEM, chip manufacturer, or retailer, you’ll be able to join the community for free.

Here’s how it works: Simply fill out the form, use your company e-mail address, and click the option to be considered for a free membership. We’ll send you an email within one business day to verify the address is real and then activate your membership.

Simple, right?


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