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Speaking the same language

We count on our community members for so much: benchmark ideas, critiquing the benchmark designs, and testing the community previews. Community members with programming skills can vet the source code and submit code for inclusion in the benchmarks.

We love getting code from our members. However, people have widely differing opinions about what constitutes well-documented code. A lot of it comes down to taste, but it’s easier to read code when there are common conventions. So, we’ve put together a very brief description of some conventions that would make it easier to read your code.

Because the XPRT benchmarks are written in a number of languages, we don’t discuss the particulars of coding style in detail. We know that you know the best practices for your language of choice. However, when we’re reading code in C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, HTML5, XML, and more, it helps to have some points of reference.

So, check it out and let us know what you think. If you have code to share, please post on the forums or send us a message at We can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with!


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