Every PT employee is familiar with a particular experience. You’re standing at a barbeque, networking event, or party, making small talk with acquaintances, and someone asks, “What does your company do?” That question inevitably launches a ten-minute answer, far too in-depth for small talk. Principled Technologies exists at the crossroads of multiple industries, and the breadth of our services can be hard to explain.  

All our services stem from one driving goal, however: to serve you, our clients, the best we can. In over 21 years of business, PT has grown from a handful of people producing technical test reports on servers and desktops to a thriving organization able to deliver everything you need to prove your solutions’ benefits and highlight those benefits to customers, sales teams, and the wider world.  

To help explain exactly what that means and what you gain from our unique combination of services, we’ve created a new video series, Choose PT. In these videos, PT co-founder Mark Van Name and other PT leaders explore the many ways you can win when you choose PT for your technical, marketing, and e-learning needs. 

We also address many common questions from our clients. If you’ve ever wondered what to expect from a PT project, this series covers the process from before the sale all the way through to social media promotion and the final collateral. Curious about our approach to e-learning? Our AI capabilities? Why we never call one product “the best”? This new video series answers those questions and much more.  

To explore the videos, check out the YouTube playlist, or use our interactive Choose PT tool to find the video that best matches your interests.